Harris, Ryan (Capt.) wrote:
I did a search on the Unidata site and found info about extracting
netCDF data into CSV-formatted data, but I couldn’t find anything
about creating netCDF data from CSV or ASCII data. I essentially have
a bunch of NLDN and other .dat lightning data and wanted to take
certain columns of that data (e.g. lat, lon, time of occurrence) and
create a netCDF file using preferably MATLAB (or IDL). Any suggestions?
/*/RYAN J. HARRIS, Capt, USAF/*/
/*/Meteorology Student/*/
/*/Naval Postgraduate School/*/
/*/Cell: 404-805-5059/*/
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CDM/IDV should be able to read NLDN data directly (not transforming to
CSV first). You could also try that....