On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 06:00:11PM -0400, Carlos Moffat wrote:
>> The -DpgiFortran looks odd to me but since I rarely build the netcdf4
>> fortran interfaces, maybe that's just the way to do it.
> I have now recompiled everything again with the same flags and compiler,
> but the same problem remains.
> Can anybody think of something else that might be causing trouble here?
The -DpgiFortran or -Dwhatever flag only has meaning for the netcdf4
fortran bindings. netcdf4 generates f77 bindings with a package
called 'cfortran', and that -Dwhatever flag dictates how cfortran
generates the fortran bindings.
ifort acts a whole lot more like gnu fortran than pgi, so try building
netcdf4 with the '-Df2cFortran' flag instead of '-DpgiFortran'
Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Lab, IL USA