On Oct 27, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Dennis Heimbigner wrote:
Jennifer Adams wrote:
Hi, Dennis -- I'm sorry to pepper you with questions, but I think
this is really important and I'm eager for the DAP interface in
netcdf-4 to work well with GrADS and the GDS.
No problem; I need all the feedback and bug reports
and opinions I can get :-) I want to get this right.
That's good!
Requiring prefixes on OPeNDAP URLs is inconsistent with libnc-dap
and a pretty significant change to the OPeNDAP user interface.
Actually, libnc-dap has always supported the prefixes,
although you probably never used them.
Well, I guess you can take my so-called expertise with a grain of
salt. I confess I haven't pored over the specs. The URL prefixes are
not part of the GrADS/GDS interface.
I too would
like to get rid of them and hopefully the defaults will
be such that user rarely need them.
Can configuration options such as [fetchlimit=1] be parsed from the
user's .dodsrc file instead?
This is an open issue here in the netcdf group. Historically,
the use of environment variables or .rc files has been avoided
in favor of various flag setting extensions to the interface.
It's a whole lot simpler for the user to change the setting in one
place at one time instead of adding a prefix every time you open or
query a URL.
Also, if client-side cacheing is disabled, will that append the '?
varname[constraints]' syntax to requests like 'GET model.dods'? --
Yes, it will ask for a specific variable only and will do so using
dap projection constraints.
> ncdump -h [fetchlimit=1]http://monsoondata.org:9090/dods/model
ncdump: No match.
Is that how the prefix is supposed to be used?
=Dennis Heimbigner
Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705