Re: [netcdfgroup] Wondering about when NetCDF data hits the disk...

  • To: Thomas Orgis <thomas.orgis@xxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] Wondering about when NetCDF data hits the disk...
  • From: Rob Ross <rross@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:47:08 -0500
Hi Thomas,

It *looks* like NC_sync (an internal function) could check a flag to see if it should sync and then do so after writing header or numrec data, or if variables were updated.


On Oct 28, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Thomas Orgis wrote:

Am Wed, 28 Oct 2009 16:49:54 +0100
schrieb Thomas Orgis <Thomas.Orgis@xxxxxx>:

Main point of this discussion is the nc_fsync(), or any better named
function, to time actual data write action, and I would be happy if
it could make its way into a future NetCDF release.

After reflecting with Rob, I think an extra flag to nc_open to modify the nc_sync() behaviour to include fsync() would be better than introducing another function for this. I am not totally sure now if nc_sync() should call fsync() only when it actually had dirty data to write or always... Not sure how it is organized inside NetCDF code (if nc_sync() is used a lot internally, for example)... we need to make sure that any write since the last fsync() triggers a call to fsync() on the next call to nc_sync().

Alrighty then,


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