[netcdfgroup] Using same name as a dimension for a Coordinate Variable within groups and child groups

Dear all,

I am new in the netCDF community, and I have made few tests on the new data model of netCDF-4, particularly groups. I have been trying to define dimensions at the root group level and to use these dimensions to define coordinate variables of the same name in an other group, without redefining these dimensions. But unfortunately, it seems to not work, whereas it works well while using distinct names. The error that occurred using ncgen4 to generate the binary files on the basis of the CDL file was the following one: "ncgen: Can't define dimensional metadata (gencdf.c:155)"

Here below is the CDL file example that have used:

netcdf test_group_3 {

   lat = 3;

group: Coordinates {
       float lat (lat)

      lat = 0., 10., 20.;

Replacing variable name 'lat' in group "Coordinates" by 'latitude' has not caused any error, and the CDL file built using ncdump from the obtained binary files is identical to the input one.

Could you please clarify if this statement "It is legal for a variable to have the same name as a dimension" (excerpt from section 2.3.1. of [NUG]) is still valid throughout all groups, or if it is only true within a group in netCDF-4 new data model.

Many thanks in advance.



Isabelle Muguet

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