[netcdfgroup] Using file:// protocol to retrieve opendap data...

The netcdf snapshot
available TOMORROW (Tuesday)
now supports the ability to access opendap data stored in files.

If you have a file called, say, dataset.dods, it is expected that
it contains the on-the-wire data for a request to an opendap server.
Such a file can be created using, for example, wget or a web browser.
Similarly, one can save .das and .dds data in files.

Suppose you have such a file at absolute path /home/abc/dapdata.dods.
You should now be able to access it using, for example the command:
    ncdump file:///home/abs/dapdata
You could also use nccopy instead of ncdump.
NOTE: the final .dods is left off.

There are some things to note:
1. You must have at least a .dods file (e.g. dataset.dods).

2. If there is also a /home/abs/dapdata.das,
   it will be used to obtain attributes.

3. If there is a /home/abs/dapdata.dds
   it will be used.  If this does not exist,
   then the dds part of the .dods file will be used.

If you are in a position to try this out, please do so
and let me know if there are any problems.

=Dennis Heimbigner (dmh@xxxxxxxx)

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