Re: [netcdfgroup] FORTAN complex variables in NetCDF

On 1/28/11 2:09 PM, Martin Hoecker-Martinez wrote:
I'm using NetCDF to store data from a spectral fluid model and I would like to store the variables in wave number space. Is there a suggested means of storing FORTRAN complex variables in NetCDF files? There is no native complex external data type in NetCDF and I hoped that someone had thought about this problem and would have a more efficient solution than I can come up with.

Thanks for your time,
Martin: Netcdf has no complex data type, so you either have to save the real and imaginary parts in separate variables, or create a compound variable (similar to a C struct or a fortran derived type) with the real and imaginary parts as components. The latter requires using some of the new features of the netcdf-4 library, so if you go that route the data will only be readable by the netcdf-4 API.


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