Hi All,
I would like to edit an netcdf file. ncdump seems to produce a valid
ascii file (ncdump in_nc_file.nc > ascii_file.txt).
However after some manipulation with editor, I am trying to generate
an nc file with ncgen (ncgen –b –o out_nc_file.nc ascii_file.txt).
However, generated netcdf file has too many missing values (nan),
although in input netcdf file (in_nc_file.nc) or ascii text file
(ascii_file.txt) there were no missing values but some physical
realistic numbers. netcdf library version "3.6.3", platform is AIX,
and my question is if there are some known issues/bugs with this
Alternatively, it will be the most useful if somebody can suggest me
how to edit an netcdf file with NCO tools. I need to set value of time
variable to 0.
Thank you in advance for your support
Best regards,
Goran Georgievski
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