Re: [netcdfgroup] [Netcdf] problems with gfortran 4.1.2 and nf90_get_var

  • To: Aaron Knister <aaronk@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] [Netcdf] problems with gfortran 4.1.2 and nf90_get_var
  • From: Clint Bowman <clint@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 09:34:20 -0700 (PDT)
I suspect it's the older version of gfortran. I have some code I can compile and run at home under Fedora 13 that won't run here at work under SL5.1 (RHEL 5.1).

Clint Bowman                    INTERNET:       clint@xxxxxxxxxx
Air Quality Modeler             INTERNET:       clint@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Department of Ecology           VOICE:          (360) 407-6815
PO Box 47600                    FAX:            (360) 407-7534
Olympia, WA 98504-7600

        USPS:           PO Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600
        Parcels:        300 Desmond Drive, Lacey, WA 98503-1274

On Wed, 30 Mar 2011, Aaron Knister wrote:

First off-- please excuse my rusty fortran and netcdf terminology. I'm a
sysadmin not a scientific programmer :)

I'm having an issue where gfortran 4.1.2 isn't properly populating an array
of derived types. When I take the derived type out of the equation and use a
multi-dimensional array of the same dimensions the issue goes away. gfortran
4.4 doesn't have this issue but I'm stuck with 4.1.2 on RHEL5 since I'm
using netcdf from EPEL.

Here's a link to a directory containing the source for a sample application
that reproduces the issue, and the associated netcdf data file that I
massaged to remove everything I thought was irrelevant to the test case: The sample application populates
the array of derived data types as well as a separate multi-dimensional
array and prints the data points for one time step for both.

The output from the application compiled with gfortran 4.1.2 is below. The
output from any other fortran compiler I've found (including gfortran 4.4)
shows the values in the two columns matching:
imeas_ind:          20  time_len:          10
Reading input file foo.cdf
  342875337.820070      ,   342875336.850924
  342875338.840225      ,   342875336.901932
  342875339.860377      ,   342875336.952940
  342875340.880531      ,   342875337.003948
  342875341.900685      ,   342875337.054956
  342875342.920840      ,   342875337.105964
  342875343.940992      ,   342875337.156971
  342875344.961145      ,   342875337.207979
  342875345.981300      ,   342875337.258987
  342875347.001455      ,   342875337.309994
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.361002
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.412010
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.463018
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.514025
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.565033
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.616041
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.667048
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.718056
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.769064
  0.00000000000000      ,   342875337.820070

Is this an issue with netcdf, gfortran or the code?

Many thanks in advance!


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