[netcdfgroup] projection of netcdf file with 1200 layers

i have a quite specific question and just wonder if someone has a good 
idea/ experience with this 

I need to project geographical referenced (WGS84) climate data (Europe in 
30 seconds) which is available as netCDF (dimensions: lon = 5160; lat = 
4560; time = UNLIMETED; // (1200 currently)) 
to an equal area rectangular coordinate system (with 1x1km^2 resolution).

[The new projection is supposed to be: Projection: 
Albers_Conic_Equal_Area; Datum: European_Datum_1950; Units: Meters; 
Spheroid: International1924; lon0: 10, lat0: 30; lat1: 43, lat2: 62] 

Now i wonder which might be the best tool to project this NetCDF file. I 
found GMT, which seems to only able to project one layer at once and hence 
creates 1200 new files and then I found fimex, which I do not know yet, 
but it seems to be quite hard to compile..... 

Does anyone has experiences which such projections or the idea which tool 
does exactly what I need?
Thank you very much for your help!


Julia Nabel, Doktorandin
Dynamic Macroecology / Land use dynamics 
Swiss Federal Insitute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL 
Zuercherstr. 111,  CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
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