[netcdfgroup] Adding units and long name to variables using VB.net wrapper

I am new to the netCDF format and using the VB.net wrapper (created by
Ed Hartnett) to create netCDF data. I am able to create the three data
sets of interest but would like to add the units and long name to each
variable. I am unsure how to do it using the VB.net wrapper and would
appreciate any help in solving my problem
David A. Homfray
MAST NB Operations Manager
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
D3/2.68, Culham Science Centre
Abingdon OX14 3DB
T +44(0)1235 466952
F +44(0)1235 466511
M +44(0) 7971 091930
E david.homfray@xxxxxxxxxx
www.ccfe.ac.uk <http://www.ccfe.ac.uk/> 
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