On 9/27/2011 5:56 AM, Rich Signell wrote:
NetCDF folks, a
Thanks to Christoph Gohlke, we have a native port of NetCDF fortran
4.2-beta3 on Windows.
As the file name indicates this is version 4.1.3, not 4.2-beta3.
I am not able to support that build. The file is not available any
longer from that location. Please contact Rich Signell to obtain the file.
I tried building the sample F77 simple_xy_rd.f
program, modified to open an OPeNDAP dataset instead of a local netCDF
file. It worked great!
I haven't got the F90 build quite figured out yet, but hopefully
someone else can figure out the last step.
My "build32.bat" file looks like this:
rem Build sample F77 and F90 programs that read OPeNDAP with IFORT on Windows
rem This uses Chrisoph Gohlke's NetCDF 4.1.3 built with Intel Fortran 11.1 at
rem Specify where you unzipped the above distribution:
set NETCDF=c:\rps\netcdf-4.1.3-win-dev
rem Set PATH to ensure the netcdf 4.1.3 "netcdf.dll" is found (in the
x32 or x64 directory)
set PATH=%NETCDF%\bin\x32;%PATH%
rem Set LIBDIR to the correct "netcdf.lib" (x32 or x64)
set LIBDIR=%NETCDF%\lib\x32
rem Sample F77 program
ifort /exe:simple_xy_rd_dap.exe /fpp /names:lowercase
/assume:underscore /libs:dll /threads /nologo simple_xy_rd_dap.f /link
/libpath:"%LIBDIR%" netcdf.lib
rem Sample F90 program
rem build typeSizes.mod and netcdf.mod
ifort /c /fpp /names:lowercase /assume:underscore /threads /libs:dll
ifort /c /fpp /names:lowercase /assume:underscore /threads /libs:dll
ifort /exe:simple_xy_rd_dap_f90.exe /fpp /names:lowercase
/assume:underscore /libs:dll /threads /nologo simple_xy_rd_dap_f90.f90
/link /libpath:"%LIBDIR%" netcdf.lib