Thanks for the quick follow-up, Ed. Two amplifications on your answer would
be helpful:
> nc_set_log_level(3);
> (There is also a fortran version.)
I noticed this mentioned in passing in the mail archives, but do not see it
in any of the manuals. I'll just give "nc_set_log_level(5, err)" a try in
the f90 code. I am using the Version 4.1.3 NetCDF Installation and Porting
Guide and Fortran 90 Interface Guide, among others. Am I missing a useful
source of documentation?
> If this doesn't work, fire up the parallel debugger and see where HDF5 and
netCDF are failing to get along...
That is my normal inclination. However, the code isn't crashing. put_var()
is just returning a ""NetCDF: HDF error" and continuing on its way - with
data missing in the file. The parameters look the same as other valid
iterations (I am trapping the error and printing them out) so I am not sure
what to look for at that point. Any clues appreciated.