Re: [netcdfgroup] Install documentation for netCDF-Fortran version 4.2

Hi Dave,

> Is there any install documentation for the new separate fortran
> library, netCDF-Fortran version 4.2?  There is some talk about build
> details in the netcdfgroup archives from October 2010, at the time of
> initial release.  The distribution README file mentions an INSTALL
> file, which is not included.  Otherwise, I can't find this in any of
> the likely places.

Thanks for noticing the missing netCDF-Fortran version 4.2 INSTALL
documentation.  It looks like the README is also just a copy from the
previous combined C/Fortran/C++ source distribution.  We'll provide the
missing documentation in the next minor release of netCDF-Fortran, and
something on the Web documentation page soon.

In the meantime, this will work:

  1.  Make sure the netCDF C library is already installed.
  2.  Set the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables to specify
      where  the netCDF C library is installed.
  3.  Run the configure script from the Fortran release, setting
      configure options such as "--prefix", if needed.
  4.  Run "make check".
  5.  Run "sudo make install".

As an example, here's what worked for me from the top-level directory of
the Fortran release:

  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include ./configure
  make check
  sudo make install

If you use shared libraries (the default), you will only need to use
-lnetcdff to link with the installed Fortran library.  If the shared
libraries are installed somewhere not searched by default, you'll need
to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for MacOS X) to run
programs linked with the Fortran library.

If you use static libraries, you'll have to specify -lnetcdf and other
libraries used when the netCDF C library was built.


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