Dear Jim and Jeff,
Thank you for your considerations. Now the code compiles correctly,
however, I had to do a hard reset to HEAD in GIT to return to the last
good configuration and proceed onwards step by step. I was using all the
suggested options (-I/$NETCDFHOME/include -L$NETCDFHOME/lib -lnetcdff)
but it appeared that most pprobably it was a problem related to a
mismatch in the variable type declarations of the one of the
user-derived variables transferred back and forth between subroutines.
One is defined as a user-defined type array in the main program but only
a non-array user-defined derived type in the subroutine.
Thank you for your concerns.
On 02/22/2012 04:47 PM, Jeff Whitaker wrote:
On 2/22/12 4:49 AM, Ekin Akoglu wrote:
Dear all,
I have a problem with NETCDF FORTRAN API. I can download and run the
examples in the web
page without problem. However, in my code, 'nf90_put_var' function
gives the following error during compilation:
Error: There is no specific function for the generic 'nf90_put_var'
This is strange. There are other functions compiled before this
error like 'nf90_def_dim' and 'nf90_dev_var'. They pass OK through
the gfortran compiler but when the compiler hits the line with
'nf90_put_var' function, it gives the error above and halts. I would
be glad if you help me on the matter.
*Ekin Akoglu*
Research Assistant
Institute of Marine Sciences
Middle East Technical University
P.O. Box 28, 33731
Erdemli, Mersin
Ekin: In addition to linking the library, you have to point the
compiler to the .mod files. For example,
gfortan -I<install path>/include test_prog.f90 -L<install path>/lib
-lnetcdf ...
If you installed in /usr/local, <install path> = /usr/local.
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*Ekin Akoglu*
Research Assistant
Institute of Marine Sciences
Middle East Technical University
P.O. Box 28, 33731
Erdemli, Mersin
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