[netcdfgroup] Enveloping fields of data in user defined types while storing in netCDF format

Dear all,

I am quite inexperienced in using netCDF FORTRAN API and netCDF format in storing data. Currently I am struggling on a problem. I have user derived data types in FORTRAN with multiple components, i.e. fields, such as:



Is there a way to envelope the fields (after % sign) under e.g. "ms_data" and "ep_data" defined types when writing in a single netcdf file so that the "biomass" field of "ms_data" does not interfere with the "biomass" field of "ep_data" while reading it from the .nc file? I would be glad to hear if you have suggestions on the matter.


*Ekin Akoglu*

Research Assistant

Institute of Marine Sciences
Middle East Technical University
P.O. Box 28, 33731
Erdemli, Mersin

Web: www.ims.metu.edu.tr
Email: ekin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ekin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Phone: +90 324 521 34 34
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