Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.2-rc2 release candidate available


Thanks.  Please include this in the install docs.


On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Dennis Heimbigner <dmh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ideally, curl version 7.16.4 or later.
> Dave Allured wrote:
>> Russ and Dennis,
>> The installation instructions (link below) give version requirements
>> for the HDF5 and zlib libraries, but not for curl.  What is the
>> version requirement for the curl library?
>> Thank you for your efforts on this new release.
>> --Dave
>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 9:31 PM, Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The netCDF-4.2-rc2 release candidate for version 4.2 is now available:
>>> or from the netCDF distributions page:
>>> Installation instructions are here:
>>> Note to OPeNDAP Users: If you are using the netCDF DAP interface and
>>> your URLs contain constraints, then you are especially urged to test out
>>> this release. It includes major changes to the way that the OPeNDAP code
>>> handles constraints. External testers are needed to help remove any
>>> remaining bugs in this code.
>>> A list of bug fixes, utility enhancements, packaging changes, and
>>> portability fixes is available in
>>> Please send any feedback on this release to
>>>  support-netcdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> If no one reports any significant problems, this will become the
>>> netCDF-4.2 release.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --Russ Rew
>>> --Dennis Heimbigner

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