Hi Tom,
I don't think you can do this. ncdump does not have the capability (as far as
I'm aware) to read from the standard input. In general you cannot read NetCDF
data from standard input, because I think the library functions skip backwards
and forwards in the file to enable reading just the required data, and no more.
This is something which is not easily done if reading from standard input.
>From the description of your problem, it sounds like you've got something
>wrong with the installation of the library on the machine called badNetCDF? If
>this is the case, and assuming you do not have root privileges, why don't you
>try compiling and installing a new version of the NetCDF library in your home
>directory on badNetCDF, and use this instead of the version that is currently
>installed there?
Tim Hume
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
On 30/03/2012, at 7:00 AM, Tom Roche wrote:
> This may be a *x question, or just totally wrongheaded, but thought
> I'd ask: can one stream to netCDF tools (e.g., `ncdump`)? Why I ask:
> I've got data on one host which has netCDF configuration problems.
> I've got another host on the same LAN which does not. So I thought I'd
> me@goodNetCDF:~ $ ssh badNetCDF 'cat /path/to/netCDF/data' | ncdump -h
> but that failed. Yes, I know I could just copy the file to /tmp :-)
> but I thought I'd ask.
> TIA, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche@xxxxxxxxx>
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