Hi All:
I am using ncgen (version 4) to create a file. Just out out of the box, it
creates a netcdf3 file much larger than I care to work with, so i want to
create the netcf4 with even default compression is fine. "man ncgen" tells me:
Special Attributes
Special, virtual, attributes can be specified to provide performance-related
information about the file format and about variable properties. The file must
be a netCDF-4 file for these to take effect.
These special virtual attributes are not actually part of the file, they are
merely a convenient way to set miscellaneous properties of the data in CDL
The special attributes currently supported are as follows: ‘_Format’,
‘_Fletcher32, ‘_ChunkSizes’, ‘_Endianness’, ‘_DeflateLevel’, ‘_Shuffle’, and
‘_Format’ is a global attribute specifying the netCDF format variant. Its value
must be a single string matching one of ‘classic’, ‘64-bit offset’, ‘netCDF-4’,
or ‘netCDF-4 classic model’.
The rest of the special attributes are all variable attributes. Essentially all
of then map to some corresponding ‘nc_def_var_XXX’ function as defined in the
netCDF-4 API. For the atttributes that are essentially boolean (_Fletcher32,
_Shuffle, and _NOFILL), the value true can be specified by using the strings
‘true’ or ‘1’, or by using the integer 1. The value false expects either
‘false’, ‘0’, or the integer 0. The actions associated with these attributes
are as follows.
‘_Fletcher32 sets the ‘fletcher32’ property for a variable.
‘_Endianness’ is either ‘little’ or ‘big’, depending on how the variable is
stored when first written.
‘_DeflateLevel’ is an integer between 0 and 9 inclusive if compression has been
specified for the variable.
‘_Shuffle’ specifies if the the shuffle filter should be used.
‘_Storage’ is ‘contiguous’ or ‘chunked’.
‘_ChunkSizes’ is a list of chunk sizes for each dimension of the variable
I know very little about any of this, and some examples would have been
helpful. my dimensions are (time, altitude, latitude, longitude) and example
for one variable with the se dimensions to achieve a reasonable amount of
compression would be of great help.
"The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S.
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Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
1352 Lighthouse Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2097
e-mail: Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx (Note new e-mail address)
voice: (831)-648-9029
fax: (831)-648-8440
www: http://www.pfeg.noaa.gov/
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