summary: I can successfully ncvar_put(...) data to a file, but when I
try to ncvar_get(...) the same data, I get
> Error in if (nc$var[[li]]$hasAddOffset) addOffset = nc$var[[li]]$addOffset
> else addOffset = 0 :
> argument is of length zero
How to fix or debug?
R code @
successfully (if crudely) uses R packages={ncdf4, maps, fields} to
+ extract data from a GEIA-distributed datafile
+ display the data (mostly successfully--the map's legend has problems
which I'll attack later)
+ create a netCDF file using the data read from the GEIA file. (At
least, after nc_sync(netcdf.file), the file `ncdump -h`s properly.)
However, I can only *put* the data to the netCDF file:
> ncvar_put(
> + nc=netcdf.file,
> + varid=emis.var,
> + vals=t(,
> + start=c(1, 1, 1),
> + count=c(-1,-1, 1)) # -1 -> all data
When I try to *pull* the data *from* the netCDF I created,
> > <- ncvar_get(
> + nc=netcdf.file,
> + varid=emis.var,
> + # read all the data
> + start=rep(1, emis.var$ndims),
> + # count=rep(-1, emis.var$ndims))
I get
> Error in if (nc$var[[li]]$hasAddOffset) addOffset = nc$var[[li]]$addOffset
> else addOffset = 0 :
> argument is of length zero
And I get the same error if I try the minor variation(s)
> <- ncvar_get(
+ nc=netcdf.file,
+ # varid=emis.var,
+ # read all the data
+ start=rep(1, emis.var$ndims),
+ count=c(-1, -1, 1))
But the data itself appears to be OK--at least, it virtualizes
properly (above). So I'm thinking I must just be missing something
simple, and hoping Someone Out There with fresh eyeballs can point to
my error(s).
(And, in case you're wondering:
- I'm not just ncvar_put'ing the data for the exercise: I want the
GEIA data in netCDF format for subsequent use.
- I tried to find the GEIA data distributed in netCDF format, and
asked around, but have gotten no responses.
) TIA, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche@xxxxxxxxx>