Re: [netcdfgroup] If a compressed dataset is on a THREDDS server, where is the uncompression done?

Correct, thanks Roy.

Anything thats part of the file format is handled on the server. Standard HTTP deflate (zip) compression is used to send data across the wire, if client allows. the ncstream protocol is experimenting with more complicated schemes, but is not ready for general use.

Figuring out optimal chunking in netcdf4 is now the right game to play. It depends on the subset request, so you want to optimize your common requests.

the netcdf group would welcome user experience reports and timings. posting to this list lets us all mull over the issues.



On 9/6/2012 6:18 PM, Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
Hi Ansley:

I believe the answer is "yes", sort of.  Remember, THREDDS unless you are using 
the netcdf subset service or another experimental service John C. is working on, does not 
deliver netcdf files, it delivers data through OPeNDAP, which does not have this 
compression as part of the description of the protocol.  So the data must be uncompressed 
and translated to be sent.  however, many OpeNDAP servers, and I believe this is true of 
TDS, if the client says it can receive zipped files, will zip the OPeNDAP stream and then 
that will be decompressed when it reaches the client.  One question we (ERD) has been 
experimenting with is the read penalty with using netcdf4 files in conjunction with 
OPeNDAP, and what chunking/compression settings have the best tradeoff between 
performance and space

I am probably off on some of this, but I believe it is basically correct.


On Sep 6, 2012, at 5:04 PM, Ansley Manke wrote:

Here's a question from a user of Ferret software, which is built with netcdf4 
libraries. When opening and reading data from a THREDDS server, where the data 
is in netcdf-4 format, using compression, where does the decompression takes 

- at the THREDDS server and the uncompressed data are delivered over the web,
- at the local machine, the compressed data are delivered over the web and are 
uncompressed at the local machine?


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Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
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Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2097

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