[netcdfgroup] Problems with nf90_inquire_variable

I am having serious problems getting nf90_inquire_variable to behave.  I
have now had issues with this library function 3 different times using 3
different compilers on 3 different Linux machines, with 3 different codes.

The first time I was using Intel ifort compiler.  This code gave me a
segmentation fault (core dump) error.  I was using
a previously written FORTRAN wrapper code which called this function.
 I sand-boxed the function and slowly rebuilt the code from the ground up
and this time I did not have the segmentation fault error.  Never did
figure out what caused the problem, but just re-writing the code exactly
the same way as before seemed to work.

The second time I was using Portland Group pgf90 compiler.  This code did
not give me a segmentation fault, it actually returned the a -36 error
code.  I was correctly passing it a dimids array, but once it got into the
library code it could see that the array existed but it saw it as size 0,
not size 4 (or NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS - when I tried that instead).  I finally
got this to work by changing the nf90_inquire_variable function in where it
declares integer, dimension(:),optional, intent(out) :: dimids and changed
it to integer, dimension(nf90_max_var_dims),optional, intent(out) :: dimids.

Now the third and final time I'm attempting to use this function I am
compiling it with the GNU gfortran compiler.  It is once again giving me
Segmentation fault (core dump).  I tried re-writing the code again as I did
with the ifort code, but that did not work.  I also tried the fix I used
for the pgf90 compiler and that too failed to fix the problem.  I am now
totally stumped with this function.

Has anybody else experienced these types of issues?  If so how did you
solve it?

Thank you,
Tish Soulliard



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Letitia Soulliard
5830 University Research Court
Floor 2, Room 2686
College Park, MD 20740-3818
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