Re: [netcdfgroup] "reboxing," or 3D regridding

Dave Kindig Wed, 14 Nov 2012 08:58:25 -0700

>>> [ESMF] has a python module [as well as] fortran and c interfaces.

>>> You can also access it through uv-cdat (

Tom Roche Wed, 14 Nov 2012 12:31:06 -0500
>> I need to "rebox" voxels[, but] ESMF only seems to work with data
>> that's attributed to a 2D grid,

doh! I was looking @

rather than the ESMF examples @

Dave Kindig Wed, 14 Nov 2012 13:56:58 -0700

> See the Tech-X website for a uv-cdat python example.


Thanks! The latter example esp looks helpful. Two more questions:

1. The Regrid3D example uses data with filename=

   Is that available somewhere? (It did not google.) Might be useful for
   folks "playing along at home."

2. I gotta rewrap my head around the python/numpy way of doing things.
   Can you recommend any user-level ESMF tutorials oriented toward this
   relatively low-level task (regridding)? Most of what I see (e.g. @

   ) seems more oriented toward designing/developing for a full-blown
   ESMF-based model, i.e., substantially conceptually more high-level.

   is more like what I need, though it doesn't seem to point to
   code examples.

thanks again, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche@xxxxxxxxx>

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