I seem to have problems getting through the configure stage.
When using additional options ( --with-PACKAGE=) the final error is
'h5ef_libver_18' undeclared.
But as i've read from the archives, that way i deprecated.
When specifying CPPFLAGS/LDFLAGS, it can't link to the szlib library
(probably to neither of them)
Is the following way of declaring them correct?:
export CPPFLAGS="-I/home/szip-2.1/include -I/home/hdf5-1.8.10/hdf5/include
export LDFLAGS="-lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl -lz -lsz -L/home/szip-2.1/lib
-L/home/hdf5-1.8.10/hdf5/lib/ -L/home/zlib-1.2.7/lib"
Any help is much appreciated
Marko Kvakić
Mob: 00385 95 828 0470