Re: [netcdfgroup] Segmentation fault on NcFile open

Thank you Roy and Christopher.

I am now able to successfully open a local file *.nc, which I generated
using the FTP subsetter, with the netcdf 4.2.1 C++ libraries via:

NcFile dataFile("

I can not, however, open a file through OPeNDAP with .nc appended to the
.hdf file name, via:

NcFile dataFile("

since the method


returns false. I have not yet attempted to open this file locally (meaning,
not accessing it through OPeNDAP) since, as you say Chris, it's very large
and my connection is quite limited.

Roy, I was confused by your comment:
>"If you had gotten it from opendap, then it wouldn't be an hdf file.
 Moreover, there is the option to access the OpeNDAP server directly from
the NetCDF library,  which is what people have been trying to tell you."

Yet looking at an OPeNDAP directory (,
each file appears to be an HDF file.

At first, I had been attempting to open a sample file, using:

NcFile DataFile("";,

...but now I understand (among many other things) that I should not be able
to open such a file, since it is really an HDF-EOS, which are
not natively compatible with NetCDF.

Thank you for all of your help (very appreciated!). I will experiment on my
own for a bit and post future questions under a more relevant thread title,
since I consider my segmentation fault issue solved.

Taylor Binnington
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