[netcdfgroup] Reading MERRA HDF-EOS data with NetCDF C++ libraries

Hello (again),
I have netcdf-4.2.1-13.2 libraries installed on my openSUSE 12.1 machine. I
am trying to open a MERRA data file from within a C++ program, using

A sample test.cpp program is below, which I compile using g++ test.cpp
-lnetcdf_c++ ,

int main()
   NcFile dataFile ("

      cout << "Failed" << endl;
      return 2;}
   cout << "Okay" << endl;
   return 0;

returns "Failed". Opening the local file
MERRA100.prod.assim.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.19790101.hdf.nc (obtained by converting
to *.nc from the same OPeNDAP server, as was recommended to me in this
returns "Okay". Material here (
beginning on page 24) leads me to believe that I simply can not use NetCDF
libraries to open MERRA files with OPeNDAP.

How, if possible, can I modify test.cpp to remotely open a MERRA data file,
without having to first download it to my computer? Thank you for any help.

P.S. Please do not think that I have ignored earlier replies (I appreciate
them!), I've spent quite a lot of time on this recently.

Taylor Binnington
e. tbinnington@xxxxxxxxx
c. 647 926 4144
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