Hi Chris,
> I see that the netcdf-java API can read GRIB data, which produces nice capabi
> lities like the ability to read GRIB into Panoply and (I presume?) TDS.
> Does the netCDF C API have this capability? (I guess I'm hoping to sneak GRI
> B capability into C/C++ based tools like nco and Hyrax through the API back d
> oor, so to speak.)
> If not, any plans to add this to the C API?
APIs built on the netCDF C library, which include C, Fortran, Python and
C++ libraries, have support for OPeNDAP client access. That means
programs built on such APIs can read from an OPeNDAP server that serves
GRIB data. Such programs are DAP clients and by opening with a URL
rather than a local file name, they can access GRIB files, aggregations,
subsets, and other features supported by the Unidata Common Data Model
There are no current plans to provide netCDF C support for directly
accessing local GRIB files.
> --
> Dr. Christopher Lynnes NASA/GSFC, Code 610.2 phone: 301-614-5185
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