[netcdfgroup] Mysterious syntax error from 'ncgen -n'

I have a relatively straightforward manually-edited CDL file that I'm turning 
back into a netCDF file, and I'm getting a 'syntax error' from what looks to me 
to be completely acceptable CDL:

prompt> ncgen -n example.cdl
ncgen: example.cdl line 84: syntax error

Here's the offending portion:

    79         float dzw(z_w) ;
    80                 dzw:long_name = "midpoint of k to midpoint of k+1" ;
    81                 dzw:units = "centimeters" ;
    82                 dzw:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
    83                 dzw:missing_value = 9.96921e+36f ;
    84         double ULONG(nlat, nlon) ;
    85                 ULONG:long_name = "array of u-grid longitudes" ;
    86                 ULONG:units = "degrees_east" ;
    87                 ULONG:_FillValue = 9.96920996838687e+36 ;
    88                 ULONG:missing_value = 9.96920996838687e+36 ;

I'm stumped.

File is at 



Gary Strand

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