Hi Naoki,
Let me revise the initial answer to this question on this group
to prevent incorrect information from spreading. Followups should
go to http://sourceforge.net/p/nco/discussion/?source=navbar
To delete a "bounds" variable like "time_bounds" use -C:
ncks -O -C -x -v time_bounds Season_ET.nc Season_ET.nc
It is fine to have the same input and output filename because
everything is written via a temporary file for safety.
The -C switch is necessary for a subtle reason having to do with
the CF metadata conventions. Without -C, NCO subsetting assumes
the user wants all coordinates and bounds and axes associated with
all extracted variables. Because you want your output file to contain
"time", and "time" lists "time_bounds" as a "bounds" variable, NCO
first deletes then restores "time_bounds" from the extraction list.
The -C switch tells the operator NOT to necessarily include all the
coordinates and bounds and axes, i.e., it does what you want.
Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(