We have been maintaining a C-level interface between the UK MetOffice PP-format
and the CDAT/CDMS tool for many years and are interested in exploring whether
we can port this code to work directly inside the NetCDF library. Given that
the NetCDF library already works transparently with OPeNDAP, there must be a
format backend layer of some sort. Indeed I remember asking a question about
this at some GO-ESSP meeting several years ago. IIRC Rus Rew was encouraging
that it would be possible in principle, and that there was already an interface
layer that we could use.
We would appreciate any advice on the feasibility of this and any pointers to
where in the codebase we would find the interface point to add additional
format backends (for read only). I've cloned the github repo but the codebase
is quite extensive.
Many thanks,
Stephen Pascoe +44 (0)1235 445980
Centre of Environmental Data Archival
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Didcot OX11 0QX, UK
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