Re: [netcdfgroup] exodus: netCDF file or not?

Thanks everyone for helping out here. The issue was indeed that I'd
used an classical netCDF file. Converting the data makes reading
finally possible.

Thanks a lot! Cheers,

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 11:55 PM, Rob Latham <robl@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 02/04/2015 03:45 PM, Nico Schlömer wrote:
>>> As Jim says, if you've created a "classic format" netcdf file, you have
>>> two
>>> options:
>>> - read it serially
>>> - convert it to "new format" (really HDF5)
>> I've used VTK's infamous vtkExodusIIWriter [1], so frankly I wasn't
>> really sure what format it spits out. Are there conversion scripts out
>> in the wild?
> looks like nccopy can do it:
> nccopy -k enhanced
> ==rob
>> Cheers,
>> Nico
>> [1]
>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 11:43 PM, Rob Latham <robl@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 02/04/2015 03:28 PM, Nico Schlömer wrote:
>>>>> No, that's all legal, if unusual -- I am glad to see you are exercising
>>>>> the
>>>>> "Argonne/Northwestern parallel netcdf" driver feature of NetCDF-4.
>>>> Oh wait, you mean pnetcdf (as opposed to Parallel I/O?). The
>>>> configuration [1] on the machine which claims the file is not netCDF
>>>> is
>>>> ```
>>>> Configuration Summary:
>>>> -- Building Shared Libraries:     ON
>>>> -- Building netCDF-4:             ON
>>>> -- Building DAP Support:          ON
>>>> -- Building Utilities:            ON
>>>> Building Parallel NetCDF
>>>> -- Using pnetcdf:       OFF
>>>> -- Using Parallel IO:   ON
>>>> ```
>>>> I actually do *not* want pnetcdf for reading, I would like to use the
>>>> Parallel IO feature built into netCDF itself. What option would I have
>>>> to set for this?
>>> As Jim says, if you've created a "classic format" netcdf file, you have
>>> two
>>> options:
>>> - read it serially
>>> - convert it to "new format" (really HDF5)
>>> ==rob
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Nico
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Rob Latham <robl@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> On 02/04/2015 02:45 PM, Nico Schlömer wrote:
>>>>>>> What's the value of the mode argument you are passing to
>>>>>>>        nc_open_par(const char *path, int mode, MPI_Comm comm,
>>>>>>> MPI_Info
>>>>>>> info,
>>>>>>> int *ncidp);
>>>>>> The call is from [1] with
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> NC_NOWRITE == 0
>>>>>> NC_SHARE == 2048
>>>>>> pariomode == 32768
>>>>> 32768 is 0x8000 or NC_PNETCDF
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> so eventually the mode argument is
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> NC_NOWRITE|NC_SHARE|pariomode == 34816
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> Looks suspicious?
>>>>> No, that's all legal, if unusual -- I am glad to see you are exercising
>>>>> the
>>>>> "Argonne/Northwestern parallel netcdf" driver feature of NetCDF-4.
>>>>> These flags will create a classic netcdf file.
>>>>> Why would such a file be unreadable on another system?
>>>>> Well, if the other system is also requesting NC_PNETCDF, it's possible
>>>>> the
>>>>> Unidata-NetCDF library was not built with pnetcdf support, though
>>>>> nc_open_par should just detect the format.
>>>>> ==rob
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Nico
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Nico,
>>>>>>> What's the value of the mode argument you are passing to
>>>>>>>        nc_open_par(const char *path, int mode, MPI_Comm comm,
>>>>>>> MPI_Info
>>>>>>> info,
>>>>>>> int *ncidp);
>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>> --Russ
>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Nico Schlömer
>>>>>>> <nico.schloemer@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to read the file
>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>> in parallel with `nc_open_par` [1]. This works on one machine, but
>>>>>>>> returns the error code `-51` ("Not a netCDF file") on another.
>>>>>>>> Could someone clarify this?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Nico
>>>>>>>> [1]
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Rob Latham
>>>>> Mathematics and Computer Science Division
>>>>> Argonne National Lab, IL USA
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>>> --
>>> Rob Latham
>>> Mathematics and Computer Science Division
>>> Argonne National Lab, IL USA
> --
> Rob Latham
> Mathematics and Computer Science Division
> Argonne National Lab, IL USA

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