The compression issue (i.e., lack thereof in certain cases) that I noted in
4.3.2 is still present in 4.3.3-rc3. We have confirmed that 4.3.1 works as
expected with WRF model output, but 4.3.2 results in larger files that are
apparently only partially compressed. ncdump -s gives the same info for both,
indicating that the variables should be compressed. I suspect an issue with 4-D
variables where the time dimension is unlimited, but I haven't managed a simple
test case to demonstrate the problem. (For our local cloud model, COMMAS, the
file sizes are the same as CDF-1, i.e., the compression doesn't happen at all
despite ncdump -s showing the compression attributes).
Any ideas?
I compiled 4.3.3-rc3 against hdf5-1.8.13, and all tests used
-- Ted
| Edward Mansell <ted.mansell@xxxxxxxx>
| National Severe Storms Laboratory
| "The contents of this message are mine personally and
| do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or NOAA."
On 1/14/2015 11:09 PM, Ward Fisher wrote:
> Hello all,
> The third netCDF 4.3.3 release candidate is out, after a bit of a wait.
> There have been a number of bug-fixes and improvements made since the
> last release. Assuming everything goes well with this release candidate,
> we hope to have a full release in the near future.
> The release and associated release notes may be found at:
> *
> -Ward
> Ward Fisher
> UCAR/Unidata - Software Engineer
> wfisher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:wfisher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>