On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Signell, Richard <rsignell@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If you like python, this seems like a perfect application for xray
> (http://xray.readthedocs.org/en/stable/, which adopts a common data
> model representation in python.
cool! I'd forgotten about that one -- I was thinking a pacakge that could
read-write both netcdf and csv would be good.
I was thinking Iris, too:
But it doesn't seem to support CSV out of the box. However, you could read
the CSV, create a data cube from scratch, and then write that out to netcdf.
If it's a bit picky for creating the data cube -- but that's a good thing
-- it will force you to conform to the CF data model, so you'll get a nice
CF compliant netcdf file without having to do as much work to figure out
the standard from teh docs.
> And I adapted it here to create a simple program that reads CSV data
> using Pandas, converts to an xray Dataset, adds metadata, and then
> uses an xray method to write to NetCDF:
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/rsignell-usgs/notebook/blob/master/csv2netcdf.ipynb
That is pretty cool! I need to keep xray in mind...
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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