[netcdfgroup] Question about using nf90_inquire_variable


I'm wondering if it is possible to use the nf90_inquire_variable() function to 
find information about global attributes in a similar way to 
For example, should it be possible to set varid to be NF90_GLOBAL to find the 
number of global attributes? i.e.:
call check(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, nAtts = numAttr))

The reason for this query is because we have a code block (snippet shown below) 
which prints some header information by looping over an array of variables.
It first calls nf90_inquire_variable to get the number of attributes and then 
uses this to get more details about the attributes by calling 
nf90_inq_attname() and nf90_inquire_attribute().
These latter two functions accept NF90_GLOBAL as "varid" but an error is thrown 
when this is used for varid in nf90_inquire_variable().
Is this the expected behaviour of nf90_inquire_variable? If so, can you 
recommend the best alternative way to get the number of global attributes - 
nf90_inquire() perhaps?

do idxVar = varBegin, numVars

varName = varInfoArray%varInfoArr(idxVar)%varName

if( varName .eq. 'UNDEFINED' ) then
varid = nf90_global
varid = varInfoArray%varInfoArr(idxVar)%varId
end if

call check( nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, varid, nAtts = numAttr )
do idxAttr = 1, numAttr

! Get the names & details of the attributes
call check( nf90_inq_attname( ncid, varid, idxAttr, attrName ))

call check( nf90_inquire_attribute( ncid, varid, attrName, netCDFType, 
numAttrValues ))
end do
end do

Best regards,


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