[netcdfgroup] Question about using nf90_get_var to read a character variables


I am a bit confused concerning use the functions nf90_get_var to read a 
character variable. Here is my part of the code to read the character variable:

   ierr=nf90_get_var_schar (ncid,varid,sat%pi)
   print*, sat%pi(1:100)
   print*, trim(nf90_strerror(ierr))                  

when I run this code, there is a print:

   ierr=         -56
   NetCDF: Attempt to convert between text & numbers

I used nf_get_var_text, but it still print the same error

there is my  variable’s information:

    platform_id (7517, 2)
    String, length = variable,    1371045
    Number of attributes = 3
    DIMENSION_LIST = 1-4388
    comment = in situ platform ID, i.e. ship call sign or buoy WMO ID
    long_name = in situ platform ID

And if I print the ‘xtype’,it will print ‘xtype=12’

I also wonder about what the xtype=12 stands for

Best regards,

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