After downloading Tools UI and playing around a bit, I think I can provide part
of the answer to my own question.
The element in the example NcML text:
<variable name="primary_cloud" shape="station" type="enum1">
seems to be need an attribute called "typedef" and should be written:
<variable name="primary_cloud" shape="station" typedef = "cloud_class_t"
The need for the type attribute seems redundant with typedef but leaving out
the type attribute causes Tool UI to complain.
However, including it but setting it incorrectly, e.g.
<variable name="primary_cloud" shape="station" typedef = "cloud_class_t"
doesn't raise an error.
-----Original Message-----
From: netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Timothy Patterson
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 7:26 PM
To: 'netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [netcdfgroup] NcML and Enumerated Types - Problem with the syntax
The Unidata website has some pages on the Annotated Schema for NcML at
It give some example NcML code for an enumerated type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns=""
<enumTypedef name="cloud_class_t" type="enum1">
<enum key="0">Clear</enum>
<enum key="1">Cumulonimbus</enum>
<enum key="2">Stratus</enum>
<enum key="3">Stratocumulus</enum>
<enum key="4">Cumulus</enum>
<enum key="5">Altostratus</enum>
<enum key="6">Nimbostratus</enum>
<enum key="7">Altocumulus</enum>
<enum key="8">Cirrostratus</enum>
<enum key="9">Cirrocumulus</enum>
<enum key="10">Cirrus</enum>
<enum key="255">Missing</enum>
<dimension name="station" length="5" />
<variable name="primary_cloud" shape="station" type="enum1">
<attribute name="_FillValue" value="Missing" />
There seems to me to be a problem, in that the variable definition is set to be
a type of enum1 and never refers back to the defined type "cloud_class_t".
Indeed, if you read the example into tools UI, it produces this CDL:
netcdf test_enum_type.ncml {
byte enum cloud_class_t { 'Clear' = 0, 'Cumulonimbus' = 1, 'Stratus' = 2,
'Stratocumulus' = 3, 'Cumulus' = 4, 'Altostratus' = 5, 'Nimbostratus' = 6,
'Altocumulus' = 7, 'Cirrostratus' = 8, 'Cirrocumulus' = 9, 'Cirrus' = 10,
'Missing' = 255};
station = 5;
enum UNKNOWN primary_cloud(station=5);
:_FillValue = "Missing";
I want to be able to create NcML code so that the last lines read:
cloud_class_t primary_cloud(station=5) ;
:_FillValue = Missing ;
However, changing the definition in the NcML declaration to
<variable name="primary_cloud" shape="station" type="cloud_class_t">
causes NcDump to throw an exception instead.
Any insight or help is appreciated as I'd like to be able to use enums in my
own NcML descriptions.
Dr. Tim Patterson
Product Format and Test Data Coordinator Instrument Data Simulation Expert MTG
Programme GEO Division
Eumetsat-Allee 1
64295 Darmstadt
Tel: +49 6151 807 487
Fax: +49 6151 807 7
E-mail: timothy.patterson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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