I am trying to profile my NetCDF4-python code to see how to improve read
performance, which I have identified as the bottleneck. I have done this using
kcachegrind and line_profiler.
I want to delve a bit deeper into the library to see where the performance is
dropping. I can't work out how to use line_profiler with the @profile decorator
in the variable class. I also can't work out how to get kcachegrind to delve
into the library because the slicing syntax var[...] is not an explicit
function call, and I can't get var.__getitem__() to do the same thing.
Does anyone have any ideas how I could get more information from profiling the
netcdf4 library?
Many thanks
Matthew Jones
PhD Student
Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate
Department of Meteorology,
University of Reading
Room 288, ESSC, Harry Pitt Building,
3 Earley Gate, Reading, RG6 6AL, UK