Re: [netcdfgroup] ncap2 runtime error

This is doubly true for ncap2 which is a delicate build at best. I once got it to compile, cheered myself, and immediately put in --disable-ncap2 in my configure because no one had asked for it and my life was easier.


On 07/06/2016 10:31 PM, Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate wrote:

NCO is external software with its own help system.  Your question
appears to be a pure NCO question, so I encourage you to use the NCO
help system instead of this mailing list.  Thank you.


On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 7:50 PM, ashwinD12 . <winash12@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:winash12@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

              I am not sure if this is a result of upgrading to netCDF
    4.4.0 but I get this runtime error when I run ncap2 (an nco
    operator). I have never run ncap2 before (certainly with the older
    netCDF 4.3.2 version) so I am not sure what is the cause of this
    error. Any suggestions ?

    ncap2 -s 'defdim("dimz_Z",0);', <>

    Inconsistency detected by dl-version.c: 224:
    _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion `needed != ((void *)0)' failed!

    I am using nco 4.6, netCDF 4.4, Ubuntu 14.04 and my nco was built
    using icc compiler


    Ashwin. .

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