Re: [netcdfgroup] Precision an dSignificant digits in netcdf

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 1:26 PM, Ismail SEZEN <sezenismail@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The answer from ESRL PSD data about precision and least_significant_digit:
> Hi
> Least significant digit is in the original grib files.

OK, so despite the docs these mean two different things -- Least
significant digit seems to represent the actual precision of the original
values (maybe -- it could have a specific meaning in GRIB...)

> Precision is calculated here and is related to the packing. The precision
> may be a little sloppy with regards to our packing.

and precision is related to the packing.

Hopefully, they have used a packing scheme that handles the full precision
of the original data, so you could jsut ignore that and use least
significant digit to guide your rounding.

> We hope to be transitioning to netCDF4 at some point soon, which is what
> we use for other datasets. It does not need scale/offset packing as it
> packes internally.

that would be a nice step.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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