Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF external links

Ed- the difference, I think, is that in the situation
you describe, each separate file is a legitimate
netcdf file that can be independently read.
This is not the case, AFAIK, for hdf virtual files.

On 7/15/2016 3:53 AM, Ed Hartnett wrote:
> Denis,
> I think you have a very valid concern there. However, in practice, I think
> there are already a number of very important climate data sets which
> contain data in multiple files, including the data that describes the
> coordinate variables.
> One valid reason for this is to optimize IO performance in high performance
> computing applications, such as climate models. Due to the volume and
> complexity of some of the coordinate data, storing it in every file may
> have a significant storage and performance cost.
> So I think that the use of external netCDF variables (a.k.a. HDF5 datasets)
> is a worthwhile addition to the standard, as it may provide a standardized
> way to accomplish what is already being done according to a variety of
> local standards and practices.
> I suspect that most users will understand that storing data in multiple
> files carries additional risks, such as you mention. So such a capability
> should be used sparingly. But when it is needed, then it would be good if
> there were a standard way of doing it.
> Thanks,
> Ed
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 4:53 AM, Julian Kunkel <juliankunkel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Dear Tim,
>> I think an extension to HDF5 is possible to include an URI where the
>> file can be fetched automatically when the file does not exist on the
>> local system, yet.
>> Additionally, some information to ensure consistency (e.g. checksum)
>> when trying to open an external file should probably be included in
>> the attributes (optionally).
>> I'm curious to understand the space (bandwidth) savings that you may
>> have using such a feature?
>> Could you quantify it (approximately)?
>> To another response:
>> I believe the one file semantics should go away (anyway) in the long
>> term to allow to query data that is scattered on multiple files. i.e.,
>> you open once multiple dataset  by changing the file name, the system
>> then shows all the variables as they would belong to this virtual
>> file.
>> I consider this to be an intermediate step that offers transparent
>> access to such a collection when it has been defined a-priori.
>> Thanks for the feedback & regards,
>> Julian
>>> On 07/14/2016 09:32 AM, Timothy Patterson wrote:
>>>> We have a number of operational products based on fixed lat/lon grids
>> that
>>>> we disseminate in near-real time.
>>>> The ability to be able to send the lat/lon grid once and link to it as a
>>>> coordinate variable from within the file would be very useful as it
>> would
>>>> save considerably on bandwidth costs while still keeping the products
>>>> user-friendly.
>>>> So this would be a welcome development for our purposes.
>>>> Tim
>> _________________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> Dr. Tim Patterson
>>>> Instrument Data Simulation Expert
>>>> Product Engineering/Test Data Coordination
>>>> MTG Programme
>>>> GEO  Division
>>>> Eumetsat-Allee 1
>>>> 64295 Darmstadt
>>>> Germany
>>>> Tel: +49 6151 807 487
>>>> Fax: +49 6151 807 7
>>>> E-mail: timothy.patterson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Web:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> [mailto:netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Eugen Betke
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:09 PM
>>>> To: netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Subject: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF external links
>>>> Dear NetCDF-Group,
>>>> we have been working on NetCDF external link functionality. This allows
>>>> NetCDF applications to create dimension variables which values are
>> stored in
>>>> an external file. Therefore, it uses the HDF5 virtual dataset
>>>> (VDS) functionality. This is useful for, e.g., climate applications that
>>>> rely on a variable per file and timestep configuration. The idea is to
>> store
>>>> the grid in a separate file and link our data to this grid. We already
>> have
>>>> our first working version. You find the patch and the examples on our
>> page:
>>>> Under the hood it uses HDF5 virtual datasets. VDS has the advantage of
>>>> being compatible to the functions that are supported by oridinary
>> datasets.
>>>> Therefore, files containing VDS should be supported by the most
>> software .
>>>> There is a minor issue related to HDF5, the call H5F_try_close function
>>>> fails, when ncdump trys to read data from an external dimension. So far
>> we
>>>> found a workaround, but we will fix this issue.
>>>> It would be great if external link functionality could be supported by
>>>> netCDF at some timepoint. We would like to improve our patch and for
>> that
>>>> reason we need your feedback. If you have some idea to the issue above,
>> we
>>>> would be grateful for each hint.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Eugen
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>>> --
>>> Eugen Betke
>>> Abteilung Forschung
>>> Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
>>> Bundesstraße 45a • D-20146 Hamburg • Germany
>>> Phone:  +49 40 460094-146
>>> Fax: +49 40 460094-270
>>> E-mail: betke@xxxxxxx
>>> URL:
>>> Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig
>>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
>>> Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 39784
>> --
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