By which I meant - just deference the URL:
To get the NcML file:
> On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:37 PM, Nathan Potter <ndp@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Seems like no one has tried to actually ask for the NcML file:
> N
>> On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:35 PM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
>> <roy.mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Emilio:
>> I believe this is a NaNOOS server. If you can read over the thread,, any
>> insight would be appreciated, What is in the .ncml file could be of
>> interest.
>> Thanks,
>> -roy
>>> On Oct 17, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Chris Barker <Chris.Barker@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
>>> <roy.mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I find that if you go to the html page, many of the variables at the top
>>> can't be accessed requesting ascii, so there are clearly problems with how
>>> this is set up
>>> that does point to server issues.
>>> I am wondering if these are defined in the .ncml. It would be interesting
>>> to see what the .ncml file looks like.
>>> One thing to consider also is pydap does not call the C library IIRC, it is
>>> a pure python implementation
>>> Exactly -- so it takes the netcdf C lib out of the picture -- which means
>>> there is a protocol that pydap and hyrax are speaking that lets the data be
>>> accessed...
>>> If anyone knows how to see what actual requests are being made by the two,
>>> we might be able to figure out where the failure is...
>>> -CHB
>>> -Roy
>>>> On Oct 17, 2016, at 3:33 PM, dmh@xxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> The difference with pydap is probably that you adding a constraint
>>>> that is causing the server to ignore whatever variable
>>>> is causing the problem. If you ask pydap for the whole
>>>> dataset, does it fail?
>>>> (e.g. something like:
>>>> =Dennis Heimbigner
>>>> Unidata
>>>> On 10/17/2016 4:16 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 2:36 PM, dmh@xxxxxxxx <mailto:dmh@xxxxxxxx>
>>>>> <dmh@xxxxxxxx <mailto:dmh@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>>> The log and show=fetch appear to not work under python
>>>>> for some reason; stdout/stderr redirect?
>>>>> I don't think so -- and I do get a lot of "Log:prefetch" messages, so
>>>>> stdout.stderr seems to be working.
>>>>> In any case I can duplicate the error using wget e.g.
>>>>> wget
>>>>> '
>>>>> <>'
>>>>> hmm, I don't seem to have wget, but with curl, I get the below results,
>>>>> ending in:
>>>>> Data:
>>>>> Error {
>>>>> code = -111;
>>>>> message = "libdap error transmitting DataDDS: Could not read the
>>>>> variable `ntimes'.";
>>>>> -- if that's the fatal error, then yup -- not the netcdf lib -- and yet,
>>>>> we can get the data with PyDAP, and if I put this:
>>>>> into my browser, I do get data.
>>>>> I have asked this on support@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:support@xxxxxxxxxxx> --
>>>>> and they have pointed out that that is a pretty old version of Hyrax --
>>>>> _maybe_ that's the problem.
>>>>> -CHB
>>>>> $ curl
>>>>> ''
>>>>> Dataset {
>>>>> Int32 ntimes;
>>>>> Int32 ndtfast;
>>>>> Float64 dt;
>>>>> Float64 dtfast;
>>>>> Float64 dstart;
>>>>> Int32 nHIS;
>>>>> Int32 ndefHIS;
>>>>> Int32 nRST;
>>>>> Int32 ntsAVG;
>>>>> Int32 nAVG;
>>>>> Int32 ndefAVG;
>>>>> Float64 Falpha;
>>>>> Float64 Fbeta;
>>>>> Float64 Fgamma;
>>>>> Float64 nl_tnu2[tracer = 2];
>>>>> Float64 nl_visc2;
>>>>> Float64 Akt_bak[tracer = 2];
>>>>> Float64 Akv_bak;
>>>>> Float64 Akk_bak;
>>>>> Float64 Akp_bak;
>>>>> Float64 rdrg;
>>>>> Float64 rdrg2;
>>>>> Float64 Zob;
>>>>> Float64 Zos;
>>>>> Float64 Znudg;
>>>>> Float64 M2nudg;
>>>>> Float64 M3nudg;
>>>>> Float64 Tnudg[tracer = 2];
>>>>> Float64 FSobc_in[boundary = 4];
>>>>> Float64 FSobc_out[boundary = 4];
>>>>> Float64 M2obc_in[boundary = 4];
>>>>> Float64 M2obc_out[boundary = 4];
>>>>> Float64 Tobc_in[boundary = 4][tracer = 2];
>>>>> Float64 Tobc_out[boundary = 4][tracer = 2];
>>>>> Float64 M3obc_in[boundary = 4];
>>>>> Float64 M3obc_out[boundary = 4];
>>>>> Float64 rho0;
>>>>> Float64 gamma2;
>>>>> Int32 LtracerSrc[tracer = 2];
>>>>> Int32 spherical;
>>>>> Float64 xl;
>>>>> Float64 el;
>>>>> Int32 Vtransform;
>>>>> Int32 Vstretching;
>>>>> Float64 theta_s;
>>>>> Float64 theta_b;
>>>>> Float64 Tcline;
>>>>> Float64 hc;
>>>>> Float64 s_rho[s_rho = 40];
>>>>> Float64 s_w[s_w = 41];
>>>>> Grid {
>>>>> Array:
>>>>> Float64 Cs_r[s_rho = 40];
>>>>> Maps:
>>>>> Float64 s_rho[s_rho = 40];
>>>>> } Cs_r;
>>>>> Grid {
>>>>> Array:
>>>>> Float64 Cs_w[s_w = 41];
>>>>> Maps:
>>>>> Float64 s_w[s_w = 41];
>>>>> } Cs_w;
>>>>> Float64 user[Nuser = 25];
>>>>> Float64 h[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 f[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 pm[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 pn[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 lon_rho[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 lat_rho[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 lon_u[eta_u = 522][xi_u = 309];
>>>>> Float64 lat_u[eta_u = 522][xi_u = 309];
>>>>> Float64 lon_v[eta_v = 521][xi_v = 310];
>>>>> Float64 lat_v[eta_v = 521][xi_v = 310];
>>>>> Float64 lon_psi[eta_psi = 521][xi_psi = 309];
>>>>> Float64 lat_psi[eta_psi = 521][xi_psi = 309];
>>>>> Float64 angle[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 mask_rho[eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float64 mask_u[eta_u = 522][xi_u = 309];
>>>>> Float64 mask_v[eta_v = 521][xi_v = 310];
>>>>> Float64 mask_psi[eta_psi = 521][xi_psi = 309];
>>>>> Float64 ocean_time[ocean_time = 1026];
>>>>> Float32 zeta[ocean_time = 1026][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 ubar[ocean_time = 1026][eta_u = 522][xi_u = 309];
>>>>> Float32 vbar[ocean_time = 1026][eta_v = 521][xi_v = 310];
>>>>> Float32 u[ocean_time = 1026][s_rho = 40][eta_u = 522][xi_u = 309];
>>>>> Float32 v[ocean_time = 1026][s_rho = 40][eta_v = 521][xi_v = 310];
>>>>> Float32 w[ocean_time = 1026][s_w = 41][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 temp[ocean_time = 1026][s_rho = 40][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho =
>>>>> 310];
>>>>> Float32 salt[ocean_time = 1026][s_rho = 40][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho =
>>>>> 310];
>>>>> Float32 AKv[ocean_time = 1026][s_w = 41][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 AKt[ocean_time = 1026][s_w = 41][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 AKs[ocean_time = 1026][s_w = 41][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 tke[ocean_time = 1026][s_w = 41][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 shflux[ocean_time = 1026][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 latent[ocean_time = 1026][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 sensible[ocean_time = 1026][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 lwrad[ocean_time = 1026][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> Float32 swrad[ocean_time = 1026][eta_rho = 522][xi_rho = 310];
>>>>> } ocean_time_aggregation.ncml;
>>>>> Data:
>>>>> Error {
>>>>> code = -111;
>>>>> message = "libdap error transmitting DataDDS: Could not read the
>>>>> variable `ntimes'.";
>>>>> };
>>>>> --
>>>>> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
>>>>> Oceanographer
>>>>> Emergency Response Division
>>>>> NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
>>>>> 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
>>>>> Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
>>>>> Chris.Barker@xxxxxxxx <mailto:Chris.Barker@xxxxxxxx>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> NOTE: All exchanges posted to Unidata maintained email lists are
>>>> recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly
>>>> available through the web. Users who post to any of the lists we
>>>> maintain are reminded to remove any personal information that they
>>>> do not want to be made public.
>>>> netcdfgroup mailing list
>>>> netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> For list information or to unsubscribe, visit:
>>> **********************
>>> "The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S.
>>> Government or NOAA."
>>> **********************
>>> Roy Mendelssohn
>>> Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
>>> Environmental Research Division
>>> Southwest Fisheries Science Center
>>> ***Note new address and phone***
>>> 110 Shaffer Road
>>> Santa Cruz, CA 95060
>>> Phone: (831)-420-3666
>>> Fax: (831) 420-3980
>>> e-mail: Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx www:
>>> "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
>>> "From those who have been given much, much will be expected"
>>> "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" -MLK
>>> Jr.
>>> --
>>> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
>>> Oceanographer
>>> Emergency Response Division
>>> NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
>>> 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
>>> Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
>>> Chris.Barker@xxxxxxxx
>> **********************
>> "The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S.
>> Government or NOAA."
>> **********************
>> Roy Mendelssohn
>> Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
>> Environmental Research Division
>> Southwest Fisheries Science Center
>> ***Note new address and phone***
>> 110 Shaffer Road
>> Santa Cruz, CA 95060
>> Phone: (831)-420-3666
>> Fax: (831) 420-3980
>> e-mail: Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx www:
>> "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
>> "From those who have been given much, much will be expected"
>> "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" -MLK Jr.
> = = =
> Nathan Potter ndp at
> OPeNDAP, Inc. +1.541.231.3317
= = =
Nathan Potter ndp at
OPeNDAP, Inc. +1.541.231.3317