Re: [netcdfgroup] How to dump netCDF to JSON?

> I think keeping hdf and netcdf most separate is the correct
> solution.

Yes, it's looking that way. Though still s good idea for them to be
the same where it makes sense.

> A couple of points.
> 1. A group can be a dictionary with the following keys:
>      dimensions, types, attributes (group level), variables, and data.
> 2. Ordering matters in netcdf, so each of the group pieces
>    (dimensions, etc) needs to be a list.

Really? Wow. So the order you put the dimensions in matters? Why? I'm
thinking it may be left over implementation detail from netcdf3 -- if
so, maybe we don't need to preserve it in JSON?

> 2. Variables have a number of unordered parts that are best
>    represented as a dictionary containing:
>    name, type, attributes.


> 3. A set of attributes could be represented as a dictionary
>    with the attribute names serving as keys. But remember
>    that each attribute has a number of parts: type, name, and
>    a list of values.

It does? Maybe 'cause I've mostly worked with version 3 compatible
files, but I thought attributes were simply strings.

> 4. In netcdf, there are several kinds of user-defined types:

Is this much different than HDF?

>    2. compound type (a structure in C terms): consisting of a name
>       and an ORDERED list of fields. Each field is a variable
>       (see above).

Wouldn't each field be a type?

Thanks for the notes!

Pedro, will you be able to set up a gitHub project ( or similar )? It
would be good to capture this conversation.

I'd be glad to set one up if you like. Either in the NOAA-ORR-ERD
organization or create a new organization for this.


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