On 04/05/2017, Wei-keng Liao <wkliao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Please also check file libnetcdf.settings under
> /cm/shared/libraries/intel_build/netcdf-4-intel-16.par/lib
> You should see the following line if parallel I/O is supported.
> NC-4 Parallel Support: yes
ok, maybe this is my problem.
I haven't even got this file:
$ find /cm/shared/libraries/intel_build/ -name "libnetcdf.se*"
$ ls /cm/shared/libraries/intel_build/netcdf-4-intel-16.par/lib/
libnetcdf.a libnetcdff.a libnetcdff.la libnetcdf.la pkgconfig
I see here:
NetCDF creates a libnetcdf.settings file after configuration now
*end quote*
Does this means my netcdf installation is somehow deficient?
CAn I generate this settings file myself somehow?
Or maybe I should alert the sysadmin that their install
of netcdf is buggy?