Re: [netcdfgroup] nf90_netcdf4, nf90_mpiio, etc. names cannot be found


  You should consider using the latest version of netCDF-C
and netCDF-fortran (4.4.1). 4.3 is very old. As to your
problem with the NF90_ parameters, these should be brought in
by your USE netcdf statement. The way the Fortran build works in 4.3 is the netcdf module is built using either the netcdf.f90 source file or the netcdf4.f99 file depending on whether you explicitly set netcdf 4 support on the configure statement. Both netcdf.f90 and netcdf4.f90 contain include statements for sevaral f90 files. one of the includes brings in the file netcdf_constants.f90 which is where the NF90_ parameters are defined. Therefore those parameters should be there if netCDF was build correctly. Your problem appears to indicate the version of netCDF you are trying to use was not configured correctly
or you have some weird problem with your path statments

Your best option might be to try to build your own version of netCDF. If you decide to do this please note that prior to netCDF 4.4 both the C and Fortran interfaces where contained in one distribution They are now split into two separate distributions and use CMAKE as the preferred build method. You have to build the C libraries first. There
is an option during the C build to also build the Fortran libraries but
I don't know how well that works. It's probably better to build them
separately. Also, note that starting with 4.4, the Fortran libraries will default to using my Fortran 2003 C interoperability interfaces instead of the C wrappers that 4.3 uses IF it detects a Fortran 2003
compliant compiler or one that supports at least F2003 C interop.
Fortunately, these include all the major Fortran compilers (Intel, gfortran, PGI, Cray, IBM, Absoft, Oracle/Sun, and NAG).

Note for parallel IO support you will need to build HDF5 with parallel IO support. I would strongly advise you use the same
compiler to build both netCDF and HDF5 that you intend to use
to compile your code. Also, for HDF5 you only need to build the
C libraries since that is all netCDF uses. You will also need
to a compatible MPI distribution (I prefer OpenMPI).

Finally, don't assume the netCDF build system will automatically
detect whether HDF5 has parallel support. Make sure you explicitly
specify that support in both the netCDF-C and netCDF-fortran builds.


On 05/07/2017 08:56 AM, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
From ted.mansell@xxxxxxxx Fri May  5 23:17:21 2017

If NF90_NETCDF4 is not defined in the netcdf module, then the module was =
somehow not built with netcdf-4 support.

Is it possible to run the 'make check'  netcdf tests?

Not sure. I'm using the module built by the cluster
sysadmins. They tell me "all is fine" as far as they can see.

I'll try to ask them to run this to check for failures.



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Richard Weed, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor
Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS)
Mississippi State University

Email: rweed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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