Is there any chance that you can run this using valgrind?
My speculation is that it is a memory leak of some kind.
=Dennis Heimbigner
On 6/23/2017 7:38 AM, Ian Harris (ENV) wrote:
I have NetCDF installed (netcdf library version 4.4.1 per ncdump) on a
fairly powerful iMac (4GHz i7, 16GB). I use Fortran 77 (yes, I know, but
it’s very fast).
I’m processing a lot of data, inputs and outputs all NetCDF, in loops,
and it’s dying at predictable and reproducible points.
One example is a simple prog I knocked up; it opens a nc file, then
continually reads the first time value in a loop until it dies.
The last successful loop is 16777187, which may sound familiar, as it’s
been here before:
The error is usually 'NetCDF: HDF error', though occasionally 'NetCDF:
Error initializing for parallel access'.
I should note that a much more complicated program, which reads in three
files and writes one, also dies like this after a fixed number of runs
through the loops (taking over an hour).
The simple test program is below.
Please can anyone hazard a guess as to what’s happening?
Here’s the entire program:
program netcdftestloop
c NETCDFTESTLOOP Testing iteration counts before it dies
implicit none
include ''
integer nits,st,ncid,tvarid
real rday
nits = 0
st = nf_open('',0,ncid)
if ( call handle_err(st,'openff')
st = nf_inq_varid(ncid,'time',tvarid)
if ( call handle_err(st,'inqtvi')
if (mod(nits,100000).eq.0) write(*,'(i10)')nits
! keep track
st = nf_get_var1_real(ncid,tvarid,1,rday)
! get day 1 time value
if ( then
write(*,'("N. iterations = ",i10)')nits
call handle_err(st,'getday')
st = nf_close(ncid)
! totally unnecessary close file
if ( call handle_err(st,'closef')
subroutine handle_err(errcode,code)
implicit none
include ''
integer errcode
character code*6
print *, 'Error: ', code, ': ', nf_strerror(errcode)
In a more complicated program, I get a different error, ('')
Ian "Harry” Harris
Climatic Research Unit
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom
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