[netcdfgroup] ncvgtc Unable to Read String Arrays from netCDF Files

My legacy Fortran code uses the netCDF routine ncvgtc to read string
arrays from netCDF files. With the most recent version of the netCDF
library, this routine returns garbage for all but the first array

The attached ftest_rev.F file (with include file nfconfig.inc) is
based on ftest.F found in the netcdf-fortran/nf_test directory and has
been modified to reproduce this behavior.   The original test,
starting on line 1110, calls ncvgtc to read the (2-D) character
variable from test.nc into a 1-D string; this succeeds.  My
modification is to instead read the character data it into a string
array, stringa.  When this test fails, the first element of stringa is
OK; the other elements are garbage.

I'm presently seeing this behavior on two completely different
systems, both using netCDF and netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4.  One
system is running Mac OS 10.12.6 (netCDF built within the Fink system
using gfortran 5.4.0). The other is a new high performance cluster at
MIT (http://www1.psfc.mit.edu/computers/cluster/ ; netCDF built with
Intel compilers).  This test code works fine on another system with
netCDF 4.2 and netCDF-Fortran 4.2.

Any suggestions?
Daren Stotler


Daren Stotler
Principal Research Physicist
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
MS 27
P.O. Box 451
Princeton, NJ 08543

Attachment: ftest_rev.F
Description: Binary data

Attachment: nfconfig.inc
Description: Binary data

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