Re: [netcdfgroup] Content-Based Checksums of a netCDF dataset

Thanks for the pointer! I guess the complexity of sha256 will kick in for very large data sets.

So far (but I've only tested with very small files), I did not see any significant performance difference across the hash-algorithms available in the Python standard lib.


On 08/24/2017 08:04 PM, dmh@xxxxxxxx wrote:
A small note. Since the goal is equality testing rather than security,
you should be able to get by with CRC32 or CRC64 checksums.
SHA256 is overkill.
=Dennis Heimbigner

On 8/24/2017 12:00 PM, Willi Rath wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to find a way to verify the contents of a given netCDF dataset across different representations on disk. (Think of the data set being defined by its CDL code and different representations on disk being realised by different choices of format, deflation, chunking, etc. but with identical CDL.)

There are tools that compare the contents of two netCDF files: cdo's diff or nccmp. These tools do, however, rely on both files being present on the same file system and at the same time. A hash-based approach calculating checksums from the contents rather than the binary representation of the data set would be a nice solution to the problem.

I've tried and collected all attempts made at verification of netCDF files in: (The most successful of which circled around the possibility of including the functionality in `ncks` and lead to a pair of tools for calculation and verification of MD5 checksums of netCDF files that are stored within the files.)

There also is a demo outlining an approach digesting different representations of the same netCDF data set into a sha256 hash and storing the hex-value of this hash in global arguments in the respective files.

I'd be very happy about any pointers to additional ideas (or perhaps existing tools) solving the problem of netCDF-content verification, about suggestions, remarks, etc.


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Willi Rath
Theorie und Modellierung
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Duesternbrooker Weg 20, Raum 422
24105 Kiel, Germany
Tel. +49-431-600-4010

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