Re: [netcdfgroup] Content-Based Checksums of a netCDF dataset

Hi Charlie,

sounds like exactly the things I had in mind. gets an example file, converts it to different equivalent files, and runs `ncks` with `--md5_write_attribute` across all files. The results look very promising.

I think, I'll be able to do everything I need with what's already possible with NCO. (That sentence must have been written or many times!)

I'm having a few issues with the order of dimensions in the output of `ncks`, though. I'll double-check and get back to you via the NCO bug tracker if necessary.

Thanks a lot!


On 08/24/2017 09:30 PM, Charlie Zender wrote:
NCO has supported MD5 digests since 2012

If I understand your intent, this might be
part of a suitable solution, since you can
use NCO to compute/print (and, optionally store as attributes)
the MD5 hashes of every field in a file,
and these hashes should agree for the same
data regardless of the underlying storage
compression level etc, filesystem type, etc.
It is a foolproof way to verify data integrity.
And NCO can get the files from remote filesystems
via Opendap or HSI or ESGF or scp/ftp.

Feedback welcome.


Willi Rath
Theorie und Modellierung
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Duesternbrooker Weg 20, Raum 422
24105 Kiel, Germany
Tel. +49-431-600-4010

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