Re: [netcdfgroup] who is use netCDF on ARM chips, and why?

Hi Ed,

We run netCDF on a number of different architectures, including ARM and PowerPC.

Our application is real-time control systems using the 
EPICS<> control system.  The EPICS 
areaDetector<> module 
is used to control 2-D cameras and detectors for visible light imaging and 
x-ray detectors.  It has plugins for saving data in a number of different 
formats, including netCDF, HDF5, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc.  This software runs on 
Linux (Intel and ARM), Windows and Mac, VxWorks (PowerPC), and RTEMS (Intel and 

For netCDF were are using 4.1.3, and support only the "classic" format, i.e. 
not HDF5.  We have a separate file plugin for HDF5 which allows full control of 
the file layout via an XML specification file.

These file plugins are documented here:

and hosted here:


From: netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ed Hartnett
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2017 10:52 AM
To: NetCDF Group List
Subject: [netcdfgroup] who is use netCDF on ARM chips, and why?

Howdy all!

Recently I was visiting the 19th sub-floor of Unidata's secret Rocky Mountain 
Compound, when I noticed that there is a Rasberry Pi being used for netCDF 
testing now. (It was on the desk next to all the old "Russ Rew" model robot 

Ward tells me that he doesn't know who is using netCDF on ARM chips - he got a 
support issue from RedHat.

So who out there is using netCDF on ARM chips? And how?

Ed Hartnett
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