[netcdfgroup] Ambiguity in netCDF Documentation regarding "NetCDF Classic Format Limitations"

Dear Mailinglist,

The constraints of the NetCDF Classic Format are documented in the current netCDF documentation. E.g. here:


There are given contradictory numbers for the maximum records size in classic netCDF files created with netCDF versions 3.5.1 and earlier:

The second sentence of the respective chapter reads:
"The maximum size of a record in the classic format in versions 3.5.1 and earlier is 2^32 - 4 bytes, or about 4 GiB. In versions 3.6.0 and later, [...]"

Whereas the sentence between the two examples reads:
"If you use the unlimited dimension, record variables may exceed 2 GiB in size, as long as the offset of the start of each record variable within a record is less than 2 GiB - 4. For example, [...]"

Shouldn't it be "4 GiB - 4" in the last sentence? Otherwise, the example below the sentence would not work.


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